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Is Marriage a Dying Institution in the 21st Century?

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  • 2021-06-17
  • By: Jane

In the not-so-distant past, marriage was considered a sacred union that held people accountable for the morals of society. The holy matrimony bond was designed so that two people had to fall in love then get married as an official permit to start a family. The many break-outs have diluted this religious and cultural tradition in contemporary society in cultural norms. Today, it is very common for two people in love to skip the whole marriage process and proceed into the life of starting a family.

Do you believe that marriage is a dying institution in the 21st century? The truth is marriage is no longer held in high regard as it used to be 20-21 years ago. Additionally, the number of marriages witnesses each year has reduced significantly. Are you curious as to why marriage is being considered a dying institution in the 21st century? If so, this is the best article to put your mind to rest on the matter by shedding light on the transformations that have greatly taken place in the official union of partners today.

Indeed, marriage is a dying institution in the 21st century, but the death of the union did not come about without the influence of many factors. These factors include:

Reason for getting married

There is no objection that one of the main reasons two people get married is to enjoy sex as ordained by God. Marriage dictates that the couple should not engage in sexual pleasures until they are officially ordained. The change in this dimension and drive to get married is a major factor contributing to the reduced number of marriages today. People opt to get into freer and more open relationships where the idea of having sex outside marriage is being considered.

Compromise versus independence

The desire to be independent is quickly overshadowing the relationships that thrive on compromise. Marriages are on such unions that greatly thrive on the compromise, and the extent to which the compromise reaches is one costly one. For young adults, the purpose has shifted from one of love to one of achieving independence, and thus the consideration of marriage is greatly reducing. The ultimate cost is that marriage in the 21st institution is slowly dying.

Women’s desire for success

Today women are not contented in becoming financially dependent on their husbands. The desire to become financially free has quickly clouded the judgment of women to shun away from marriage. This factor is greatly contributed by the fast-moving world and developing cities. A couple of centuries ago, it was hard for women to pursue financial satisfaction and forgo the cultural beliefs of submitting to the husband.

The same is also seen in men in a modern society whereby they no longer are bound by the dependence for women to become housekeepers and are more inclined to having a partner to share household duties. The dimensions were a husband and a wife come together to share roles have led to the abandonment of marriage as a pivot point of their union.

How has marriage changed in the 21st century?

The gradual change in society and culture has fueled the change witnesses in marriages today. From culture, religion and economic factors, marriage in the 21st century does not stand a chance. Below are the ways marriage has changed in the 21st century.

Relationship change

Traditionally the main reason for marriage was sex, but that factor has quickly been depleted by the rise of the desire to have a steady partner who can be relied on. Today you will often hear people wanting a partner to have peace and stability, and the two factors are not guaranteed under the marriage institution. Contrary, many couples in marriage are often considered unhappy because of the hustle that exists within the union.

Rise in homosexuality

Homosexual behavior is the new factor that has contributed to the change witnessed in 21st-century marriages. Many gay individuals are coming out of the closet, creating a situation where there is no need to get married. The fact that same-sex marriages are not given a priority whatsoever in religious unions and that the coupes cannot have biological children means that marriage in the 21st century has become so much strained and gay marriages are considered defiance hence these coupes choose not to publicly officiate their marriages and choose to hide in the shadows. 

Financial independence

Today many women prefer to be financially independent, unlike traditionally, where women got married to have finances and ultimately become dependent on their husbands. Additionally, men today do not want a partner dependent on them due to the rise in the cost of living; thus, modern marriages have changed to those of a partnership between the husband and wife where the two share roles about income and household duties.

What does marriage mean in today’s society?

Today marriage to hopeful young couples is more of a partnership relationship rather than a dependency. Couples today are driven by the desire to have a companion to share roles with and share the responsibility of providing for the family. This indicates that hustle-free marriages are mainly preferred in today’s society, unlike centuries ago, where men were the providers and women were the caregivers.

What are the main causes of divorce in the 21st century?

A divorce is the painful culmination of a marriage that has exhausted its time and has no potential future. Divorces are considered taboo, and thus, many people try to avoid relationships that will eventually end in a divorce. Today there are several courses for divorce, these include:

Toxic relationships

A toxic relationship is often the cause of most divorces in contemporary society. Today, people know their worth, and with the slightest indication of their partner being abusive or disrespectful, the party will often walk away and file for a divorce.


Traditionally, some cultures allowed men to have sexual relationships with other people outside of marriage. The spouse would not file for a divorce; however, in today’s society, acts of infidelity are not considered acceptable. In most cases, when a party suspects a partner of infidelity, they will often question, and if their claims are confirmed, they will file for a divorce.


Time is changing, and thus women no longer have the desire to compromise; their pursuit of financial freedom has greatly clouded and shifted the normal functioning of marriage institutions. Thus, for this reason, and those mentioned above, marriage institutions are quickly becoming obsolete in the 21st century.  

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