Happy Red Dragonfly - Helping You Manage All Things Home & Family

Management and Leadership

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Many people seem to interchange the titles leadership and management, however, it reality they are two very different types of people. The confusion may lie in the fact that leaders often are in manager positions but that certainly does not mean that any manager is a leader. The two are distinct and are not synonyms for each other.

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  • 2019-04-03
  • Jane
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According to Gorman's research, there are six kinds of leadership styles altogether with each of them stemming from different components of the EQ. The leaders who have grasped four kinds or more of these leadership styles---especially the vision type, democracy type, relation type and coach type---will often create the best working atmosphere and achieve the best performance.

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  • 2019-04-03
  • Jane
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The skill for being a leader is to make constant compromises by sticking to his (her) basic principle. A leader can never adopt the method of diamond cut diamond when meeting any problem, no matter it is the criticism from leaders of upper level or pressure from various circles of society, or even the test of life and death.

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  • 2019-04-03
  • Jane