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Some Tips for Amazing Sex after Menopause

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  • 2021-06-04
  • By: Jane

The foundation of any strong relationship has partners who are both understanding and supportive. These two qualities are of most importance to women when they get to their menopause stage, whereby the support helps women cope with the condition and the symptoms accompanying the state. That said, the clinical definition of menopause is a naturally decline in reproductive hormones, and it is experienced when a woman gets to the age of forty or fifty.

Menopause is defined as 12 months without menstruation. Hot flashes and vaginal dryness are common complaints. Sleep problems are also possible. Anxiety or sadness might result from a mixture of these symptoms. Menopause is a normal occurrence with therapies aimed at alleviating symptoms. While the condition is naturally occurring, it can cause significant distress for the affected women and their partners. It can greatly be a cause of disruption in the couple's sex life. Below are ways in which menopause can affect a woman's sex life and recommendations of what the husband should do after their wife's menopause to enjoy sex.

How Does Menopause Affect a Woman’s Sex Life?

Do you think that menopause lowers the level of sex drive in women? The truth is menopause has a different reaction to different women experiencing the condition. Some women tend to feel like their sex drive has increased. The elimination of the fear of pregnancy makes women less anxious, and with that, they can enjoy intimacy with their partners.

Following menopause, a woman's physique and the sexual urge may change due to the reduction of estrogen and testosterone. Women who are menopausal or postmenopausal may realize that they are less readily aroused and less responsive to caressing and stroking. As a result, sex may become less appealing. Low estrogen levels might also result in a decrease in blood flow to the vaginal area. It might cause a reduction in vaginal lubrication, making the vagina excessively dry for pleasant intercourse.

Can Menopause Ruin a Marriage?

When it comes to menopause in marriage, the main issue is that many women are ugly due to so many unwelcome changes. Some people experience weariness, despair, and moodiness, which makes them feel alone and confused.

These periods of self-doubt create a stain on the relationship. If the husband is less understanding, they will lack the patience to help the wife through the period. It only gets worse by the change in a woman's brain during the menopause ages.

The mother's brain switches off. Menopause signals the end of hormones that enhanced communication, emotion, the need to nurture and care for others, and the need to avoid confrontation at all costs. When a woman is on antidepressants, mood stabilizer drugs, sedatives, antihypertensives, contraceptive pills, antihistamines, and medication for blood pressure, menopause may reduce her sexual drive.

When you add in ageing difficulties, communication is the last thing on a menopausal woman's mind. This woman may be in self-preservation mode and not in the desire to connect or make her spouse happy. These factors can ruin a marriage; however, with an understanding and educated husband, the couple can weather through the storm and enjoy their relationship.

What Should the Husband Do After Wife's Menopause?

When a loved one is going through menopausal symptoms, their partners may lose what to do. One factor might be that many individuals do not completely comprehend menopause or do not take the time to learn about it. To them, it may be something about which you "cannot do anything" and, as a result, something you avoid.

It is usually the absolute last thing you should do. Reduced hormone levels after menopause can lead to unpleasant feelings. Therefore partners should be aware of this. The changes might also make a woman going through menopause feel "old" and "unattractive."

Physical changes might exacerbate the situation by creating weakness, forgetfulness, skin texture changes, or physical pain. All of these factors can contribute to feelings of rage, despair, and even melancholy. The best way for a husband to support their partner is by getting a better understanding of what menopause is and the symptoms that develop.  Having the education and making prior anticipations will help the husband cope with the significant changes in the partner having menopause symptoms.

Reasons Why Women’s Sex Life Wane after Menopause

The reproductive processes of a woman and the hormones that govern them are intimately linked to her entire health and well-being. This reality becomes abundantly obvious as women progress through adolescence, their reproductive years, and finally menopause.

Each of these stages is regulated by fluctuating amounts of reproductive hormones, which take you on a roller-coaster journey through life. And no step is more evident than menopause, which marks the end of your reproductive era while also bringing with it unfavorable side effects that might disrupt your sexual life. Some of the reasons why women’s lives wane after menopause include;

Lack of Desire

While both men's and women's sexual desire declines with age, women are 2-3 times more likely to feel a loss of sexual desire. Social, physical, and emotional factors can greatly lower the desire for women to engage in sexual interaction. Hot flashes, night sweats, and even urine incontinence, as well as the vaginal dryness mentioned above, are not favorable to active sex life. The depriving of desire leads to blockage of mental barrier sadly lowering the woman's quality of life.

Lack of Resources

Vaginal dryness affects almost half of postmenopausal women between the ages of 51 and 60, leading to unpleasant, if not painful, sex. For women who lack resources to purchase lubricants to smoothen the process of having sexual intercourse, they might tend to stay away from sexual interactions. Fatefully, their quality of life deprives them, whereby they become less social and tend to isolate themselves.

Tips for Husband and Wife after Menopause

How can couples ensure they are having great sex even after the wives reach the menopause stage? There are several ways for couples to enjoy having sex, beyond the physical and biological factors. There are many ways of enriching a couple's sexual relationship without thinking about the sexual construct, which is possible by considering the other elements.

Biological Factors

The first tip to having a good sexual relationship is to encourage your wife always to live healthily and promote the process of healthy living. There is no doubt that health is a great factor for couples to ensure they have a good post menopause sexual life. Under the healthy living tip, the partners should strive to eat a healthy, balanced diet, conduct the regular exercise, stay away from alcohol, harmful substances, and nicotine, and get adequate rest. Both partners can perform these activities and, in a way, increase the interaction between them.

The need for special treatment often accompanies menopause conditions. The husband should know about the special health needs and offer support to the partner. Some of the wife's treatments might need to include hormonal replacement therapy designed to relieve the hot flushes known to interfere with moods and sleep changes that harmed the libido.

The other support the husband can offer the wife is accompanying them to regular doctor visits. It is common for women in post-menopause periods to feel afraid of visiting doctors to discuss their symptoms since they might be afraid of accepting that they are in their menopause stages. A doctor is the best advice for such couples, and the husband must be present to help the wife feel less afraid and accept her condition.

With the husband's support, it is easier for the wife to accept and attend doctors’visits. Additionally, the spouse can go the extra mile to investigate the most appropriate places where they can get family planning advice and explore the resources available in the gynecology and obstetrics departments of the hospitals that might be a possible consideration for a visit.

Psychological Factors

Get Educated

Menopause causes major changes in women, and people close to them can't ignore them. As her spouse, you probably know her well and spend a lot of time with her, so you're more likely to detect changes in her mood than others. You will notice any changes in her libido or sexual reaction, unlike her friends and relatives. All of these adjustments might make you nervous and make you worry about what you're doing wrong.

As a partner to a wife in the post-menopause phase, having an education on the condition will enable you to offer a good support system to your partner by making you more understanding. Some of the sexual symptoms in this condition include reduced libido, vaginal dryness, extreme pain during intercourse, and a reduced skin sensitivity and arousal rate.

Share the Problem

The other psychological factor is for the couple to view menopause as a condition for two. Men do not experience menopause symptoms. So it's easy to throw the blame at a menopausal spouse, assuming, for example, that she should control her irritability or find a method to get herself in the mood for sex. However, instead of blaming your partner, consider menopause and its symptoms as a time of life that you and your partner share. Instead of concentrating on the adjustments she may make, think about what you can do to assist your spouse cope.

Encourage Talking

Talking is an effective way to relieve psychological issues, which might affect a woman's libido and sexuality. You'll never know precisely how a woman feels, but chatting to her can help you grasp what she's going through. Take the initiative in talking to her about her menopausal symptoms. Don't try to understand what she's going through; instead, concentrate on listening and being empathetic. Some of the topics to be considered when talking include; talking about treatment and sex, talking about the relationship, and talking about the wife's emotional health. All the discussion points should be aimed at encouraging the wife to accept and love her menopause body and boost her self-esteem.

Final Thoughts

Menopause is not a disease, and with a little love, care, understanding, and affection, a couple can effectively live their sex life to the fullest without compromising their relationship. From the article above, education stands out as an important aspect in being in a position to understand the dimension of the change women go through during menopause. When husbands anticipate the mood swings and changes in their wives, they should offer them better support.  

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