Happy Red Dragonfly - Helping You Manage All Things Home & Family

Love and Relationship

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If you want to be sure if your girlfriend is ready to get into a relationship with you, this post will equip you with the tips that will help you read the signs of whether she wants a serious relationship with you so that you can respond to her appropriately. Read on, and you will find out.

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  • 2021-04-11
  • Jane
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Some people will tell you outright that they are no longer in love with you. However, most people will leave that task to your discovery. Here are some signs that will show you that your relationship is over.

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  • 2021-04-11
  • Jane
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A vanilla relationship refers to the traditional way of making love. The partners prefer the conventional methods of expressing themselves sexually. It fails to include fetishes or additions such as toys. This kind of relationship is pretty basic.

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  • 2021-04-11
  • Jane
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The fundamental principles that support a relationship are love, open communication, and trust. Lovebirds get to talk to each other about their daily activities and spend much time together. However, at some point in relationships, the man starts to distant himself and acts differently. It would help if you were worried when this happens.

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  • 2021-03-28
  • Jane
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Not every person knows about the relationship bases, whether they are new in the relationship or dating for quite a while now. In case you are a baseball crack, you will want to identify with the relationship base's terms. It's very odd that baseball analogies are utilized while clarifying the relationship bases; however, it is a reality.

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  • 2021-03-28
  • Jane
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Are you simply ignoring the warning signs? Entering a new relationship with someone you love could start out as fun and exciting. You could be easily carried away and ignore the red flags in a relationship, hoping that your partner will improve or things will change.

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  • 2021-03-25
  • Jane
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Relationships are perfect when both partners are true to each other. This relates to the picture of outstanding pillow talks and Netflix night movies. However, there is a phase in a good relationship where the lovebirds cannot share their feelings and sink themselves in a life full of lies and issues.

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  • 2021-03-19
  • Jane
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Relationships are part of our lives. They can contribute to our success and even hardships. Sometimes, relationships can be challenging. We may experience mental breakdowns, heartbreaks, or even friendship loss. Have you ever found yourself in such a situation? Well, I believe there is no perfect relationship.

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  • 2021-03-19
  • Jane
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So everyone around you is either dating, in a relationship, engaged, or getting married. And then there’s you, single and not necessarily want to mingle. You heard us right. Deep down inside, you think you should be feeling a twang of jealousy when everyone around you is getting cuffed

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  • 2021-03-19
  • Jane
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Being in a relationship is something that is valuable to many people. If you are above 18 and you have never been in a relationship, dont worry; you will get a way out. Regardless of your circumstances, it is normal not to have been in a relationship for such a long time.

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  • 2021-03-10
  • Jane
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Breaking up is one of the biggest fears of lovers all over the globe but if you ask someone who is in a relationship with a narcissist, it gets even worse. Narcissists are notorious for their self-centered behavioral dispositions after a break-up and these could leave you overwhelmed.

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  • 2021-02-18
  • Jane
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Dating in the twenty-first century can be confusing as hell. One minute you and your new beau are hitting it up, and the next minute he’s saying things like “it’s not you it’s me” and “we should take a break”. I mean, what? Yeah,some people just date one guy and meet the love of their lives, but for most of us, it can take a few tries (or guys) to find the one that cherishes just as much as we adore them.

  • 2
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  • 2021-02-18
  • Jane